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Unit 3: A Nation Divided: The American Civil War 1831-1865

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"There is a terrible war coming, and these young men who have never seen war cannot wait for it to happen, but I tell you, I wish that I owned every slave in the South, for I would free them all to avoid this war." 
- Robert E. Lee

American Civil War, also called War Between the States , was a four-year war (1861–65) between the federal government of the United States and 11 Southern states that asserted their right to secede from the Union.

Discussion Questions:
(Respond to each question with a minimum of 150 words)

1. In your opinion, was the Civil War inevitable? Were the North and the South doomed from the beginning to battle each other eventually over the slavery issue?

2. Why were the border states so important to Lincoln?

3. Compare the North and the South in 1860 and then again in 1864. Why did the North win the war?


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

In your opinion, was the Civil War inevitable? Were the North and the South doomed from the beginning to battle each other eventually over the slavery issue?
The Constitutional debates in 1787 included the issue of slavery but to only a small degree as it was not that important an issue in the northern states. It was pressed however that the entire nation should be FREE as any nation part free and part slave could not endure especially if it expected to trade with a free Europe. The southern stated protested their signing unless all phrases that addressed slavery and its abolishment be removed. It was. This issue was deeply rooted in the rights of states to self govern. Each state is autonomous, and is to this day. Each state is organized as an independent government or country; each state bound to the other for common defense, commerce, currency, treaty and federal taxes (to pay for each). When northern states pushed their will and urged southern states to abolish slavery because of the unfair trade practices (lower cost of goods) increasing southern profit margins the southern states finally said ‘enough’ and seceded from the corrupt federal union and formed a union that more represented common interests and culture, the Confederacy. The southern cause was over states rights to be independent and self govern. When these constitutionally guaranteed rights were being challenged the southern delegation left, and in my opinion, rightfully so. All would have been good except when Lincoln ordered the invasion of Virginia, crossing the Potomac and engaged Gen Joe Johnston at 1st Manassas. The union army, which formed to destroy southern property and force a northern opinion, was soundly defeated and averted an easy southern invasion of the north and quick conquering of Washington, D. C.. The south wanted nothing to do with war so stayed on their side of the Potomac hoping that the bloody nose of the north would give them pause to think again about invasion. Well, they decided upon an envelopment strategy and tried the peninsular campaign lead my Gen McClellan who, was also soundly defeated. The war lasted for 4 years, and for the south, was never over slavery but over the rights of states to self govern.
2. The border states were important to Lincoln for one reason, it provided a buffer, a safe zone of maneuver and a place combat can take place without experiencing the damaging effects within the primary northern states whose northern views were the most aggressive.
3. The North won the war because of their ability to force and carry out a long conflict. The Southern resolve was much stronger than the Northern one. The Southern soldier was fighting for home, family and way of life which is a very strong motivator to win. The Northern soldier was fighting for something much less personal…union? They lacked the motivation and skill to be an affective combat force with long supply lines, foraging in enemy territory, unfamiliar with the terrain, far from home and communication and wearing a dark blue wool uniform in the humid, dreadful, mosquito infested southern land. After a while they became motivated because they were losing thousands of friends and family in uniform and knew that they were not going home until victory is won. After many unsuccessful attempts to take Richmond and defeat Lee in open combat (Lee never lost a defensive battle and was undefeated in battle until July 1863 at Gettysburg), they decided upon a siege tactic of the entire Confederacy. This choked the European supply to Confederate stores and removed all trade with an effective blockade. Once the Mississippi was closed to commerce the Confederacy was given a short time to survive. Once Wilmington was secured all was lost. Lee had no resources to fight any longer. Men were starving and exposed to the elements and dying of disease. To the end however, the southern soldier had the motivation and desire to fight to the death. This Lee knew which made his surrender that much harder.

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